China, Singapore agree to promote multilateralism
By Zhang Zhiwen
People's Daily app

Singapore (People's Daily) - China and Singapore agreed on Friday to promote multilateralism.

The agreement came as Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong on the sidelines of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) foreign ministers' meeting and related meetings.


China is willing to further enhance high-level contacts and deepen cooperation with Singapore in important projects and fields within the framework of the China- proposed Belt and Road Initiative so as to speed up the construction of the Southern Transport Corridor and implement the third-party market cooperation, Wang said.

While Singapore has adopted a successful path of development with Singaporean characteristics, China has also embarked on a successful path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, he noted.

"China, based on our own history and cultural traditions, will continue to stick to the path of peaceful development and uphold the mutually beneficial and win-win strategy of opening-up."  

As responsible countries, Wang said, China and Singapore should join hands with other countries to shoulder due responsibilities, firmly promote multilateralism, maintain international rules and multilateral trade system, push for the building of an open world economy and maintain world peace and development. 

For his part, Lee said Singapore upholds multilateralism, supports the Belt and Road Initiative and stands ready to work with China to push forward major projects including the Southern Transport Corridor and the third-party market cooperation.

He said Singapore understands the positions and measures taken by China to safeguard its legitimate rights and interests, and the international rules under the current circumstances.

Singapore will continue to support China in expanding its reform and opening-up drive, he added.

Lee also said the world today is facing major threats and challenges. He called for enhancing global cooperation with an open mind and inclusive attitude to address uncertainty and instability arising from the evolving situation.  

Such efforts are of great significance in maintaining enduring peace and development in the region and the world at large, he said.