Azerbaijan: Signing ceremony held for business cooperation
Global Times

The signing ceremony between Chinese and Azerbaijani enterprises under the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) was hosted in Beijing on Wednesday. 


Shahin Mustafayev (right behind) and Luo Weidong (left behind) witness the signing. (Photo: Courtesy of the Embassy of Azerbaijan in China)

Dozens of representatives from Chinese companies in the infrastructure, telecommunications and wine industries participated in the event. Azerbaijan's Minister of Economy Shahin Mustafayev and Luo Weidong, director-general of the Europe and Asia department of the Ministry of Commerce of China, attended the event. "Azerbaijan is one of the first countries to support the BRI, and the recent visit by our president to China for the participation of the second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in Beijing is one conspicuous example of our support," Mustafayev said, adding that the bilateral trade relations are strengthening.