Italian president expects strengthened Italy-China cooperation on BRI


(Photo: VCG)

Italian President Sergio Mattarella has expressed the hope that Italy-China cooperation on fields such as politics, economy and trade, culture, science and technology could be raised to a higher level and achieve more significant outcomes under the framework of the Belt & Road Initiative (BRI).
According to Chinese Embassy in Italy, Mattarella made these remarks on Thursday while receiving the letter of credence from the new Chinese Ambassador to Italy Li Junhua.
With the continuous deepening of the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries and the implementation of the BRI Memorandum of Understanding, the Italy-China relationship is becoming increasingly active, close and inclusive, said Mattarella.
As important ancient civilizations in the East and West, China and Italy have splendid cultures and long histories. The two peoples have many things in common, sharing mutual appreciation and attraction between each other, he added.
Li Junhua said that China attaches great importance to the development of China-Italy comprehensive strategic partnership. China is willing to collaborate with Italy in strengthening mutual political trust and deepening pragmatic cooperation, working together to build the Belt and Road.