Myanmar to turn historic buildings into tourist attractions in Yangon


(Photo: VCG)

YANGON, Sept. 10 (Xinhua) -- Myanmar authorities have selected 10 historic buildings out of 200 in Yangon to turn them into tourist attraction sites, according to the Yangon Region Tourism Committee Tuesday.

The committee made the decision at its recent meeting for the designation of the buildings of architectural value as tourist attractions in cooperation with the Yangon Heritage Trust.

These 10 buildings, which include the Secretariat Building in downtown Yangon, will become the symbols of Yangon region.

During this year, Pegu Club, a historical building, and former New Law Courts in Yangon were awarded blue plaques respectively from the Yangon Heritage Trust to mark the structures' deep historic and cultural significance and enduring legacy.

According to the Yangon Directorate of Hotels and Tourism, over 743,000 tourists visited Yangon in the seven months as of July this year, increasing by 100,000 from the previous year.

There are about 430 hotels and motels operating in the region, the data show.

In July, Myanmar's ancient city of Bagan got enlisted as a world heritage site by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) following that of three other ancient Pyu cities -- Hanlin, Beikthano and Sri Kestra -- in 2014.