Fresh Start: Podcast News (3/20/2018 Tue.)
People's Daily app

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Here are today's picks from our editors.

National legislature endorsed China’s new leaders

The first session of the 13th National People’s Congress endorses China’s new leaders.

Han Zheng, Sun Chunlan, Hu Chunhua and Liu He were endorsed as vice premiers and Yi Gang as the governor of the Central Bank.

The new Chinese government vows to tackle challenges on public’s top concern. (People’s Daily app)

China’s cross-border e-commerce trade sees massive growth in 2017

China’s cross-border e-commerce trade figures have surged more than 80 percent in the last year to 90 billion yuan (roughly $14 billion).

Statistics show that China’s annual e-commerce market reached 5.5 trillion yuan (nearly $870 billion) in 2017.

Experts say the Belt and Road Initiative, which focuses on connectivity and cooperation between China and several countries, has increased the momentum of cross-border e-commerce. (People’s Daily app)

Putin secures fourth term as Russian president


Russia's incumbent President Vladimir Putin won more than three quarters of the ballots in the presidential election Sunday.

Putin became president for the first time in 2000, when Boris Yeltsin stepped down. He was re-elected in 2004 and became president for the third time in 2012 after serving as prime minister for four years. He will lead Russia through 2024.

The president is expected to be sworn in May 7. (People’s Daily app)

US, South Korea, Japan discuss Korean Peninsula denuclearization

Amid intensified diplomatic activities regarding North Korea, top national security advisers of the United States, South Korea, and Japan met during the weekend and discussed the “complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula,” South Korea’s Blue House said on Monday.

The two days of meetings could also help prepare for a possible summit between US President Donald Trump and the North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. (People’s Daily app)

Prosecutors seek to arrest former president of South Korea


South Korean prosecutors on Monday sought an arrest warrant for former South Korean President Lee Myung-bak, who is accused of bribery among other charges.

During his tenure from 2008 to 2013, Lee allegedly took over $10 million in bribes from the state intelligence agency, businesses and others. He's also accused of embezzlement and abuse of power, Yonhap news reported.

If the warrant is issued, he will become the country's fourth former president to be arrested on criminal charges. (People's Daily app)

EU and UK reach Brexit transition deal


Negotiators from the European Union and the United Kingdom have reached a political deal on the terms of the Brexit transition period in a meeting in Brussels on Monday. 

The Brexit transition will end on December 31, 2020.

The negotiations included extending the date at which free movement between European countries will end, fishery access, and allowing more consultation with the United Kingdom government during the transition period. (People’s Daily app)

Abe takes blame for loss of trust over scandal

In an appearance before a parliamentary panel on Monday, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe denied directing changes to documents related to a land sale scandal that has led to a sharp decline in his popularity. 

Last week, the finance ministry announced that the land sale documents to educational body Moritomo Gakuen had been altered to remove references to Abe, his wife and Finance Minister Taro Aso. This sparked a crisis for Abe and opposing parties are now calling for he and Aso to resign.

The scandal could dash Abe’s hopes of winning a third term as head of his Liberal Democratic Party in September’s leadership election. (People’s Daily app)

Cirque du Soleil performer dies during show

An experienced Cirque du Soleil performer has died after plunging onto a stage during an aerial straps routine at a weekend show in Tampa, Florida, the company said on Sunday.

The incident occurred on Saturday night when Yann Arnaud, 38, fell during a performance of the show VOLTA, according to Cirque du Soleil Entertainment Group. The French performance artist died of his injuries at a nearby hospital.

Arnaud had been performing in Cirque shows for 15 years and was considered one of the company’s most experienced entertainers, President and CEO Daniel Lamarre said in a telephone interview. (Reuters)

Thank you for listening and be sure to catch us tomorrow. 

Today's quote is from Russian writer Leo Tolstoy.

"The two most powerful warriors are patience and time."

(Produced by Nancy Yan Xu, Ryan Yaoran Yu, Zeke Ziyi Zeng, Raymond Mendoza, and Regina Barna.)