Kuwait Airways to resume flights to Lebanon


(Photo: Kuwait Airways)

Kuwait Airways Corporation (KAC) announced Saturday that it will resume regular flights to and from the Lebanese capital Beirut starting from Sunday.

Causes for halting the flights to Beirut no longer exist, the Kuwaiti national carrier said in a press release, noting that passengers who had been affected with the company's Thursday announcement on halting the flights should contact the company, either directly at its offices or via hotline.

KAC announced Thursday it has suspended all flights to Beirut on the basis of serious security warnings that came from the government of Cyprus and the European Aviation Safety Agency about civil aviation in the eastern Mediterranean and in the Nicosia flight region.

The warnings were issued after U.S. President Donald Trump threatened Wednesday to launch a missile attack on Syria over the alleged chemical attack by Syrian government troops in the Douma district east of Syrian capital Damascus.