Local gov't bond issuance stable in China

A clerk counts cash at a bank outlet in Hai'an county, Jiangsu province. (Photo: China Daily)

BEIJING - China's local governments raised 304.3 billion yuan (about $43.95 billion) through bond issuance in May, official data showed Monday.

In the first five months of the year, bond issuance of local governments totaled 1.9 trillion yuan, according to the Ministry of Finance (MOF).

By the end of May, outstanding local government debt reached 19.9 trillion yuan, below the official ceiling of 24.08 trillion yuan set for the year.

Chinese authorities have pledged to rigorously control risks in local government bonds and implicit debt while using bond issuance to finance infrastructure projects and improve weak areas.

Last year, local authorities raised a total of 4.17 trillion yuan via bond issuance, down from 4.36 trillion yuan in 2017, MOF data showed.