China's seed industry output value expected to exceed 50 billion yuan by 2025
Global Times

Photo taken on April 22, 2020 shows highland barley seeds which villagers are sowing in the fields in Chabalang Village of Quxu County in Lhasa, southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region. (Photo: Xinhua)

South China's Hainan Province is planning to grow its seed industry output value to 50 billion yuan ($7.68 billion) by 2025, provincial government official said on 2021 China Seed Congress (CSC) on Sunday, reported Hainan Daily on Monday.

By importing domestic and foreign development & research teams to Hainan, a batch of national level seed scientific platforms will be established in Nanfan, Sanya, according to the official.

Huang Zhengeng from Hainan agricultural department said the plan is based on the Nanfan's development of seed industry and tourism industry. Huang mentioned that seed breeding base and global transshipment base for imported plant and animal germplasm resources will be set in Nanfan and breeding researches will be expanded from crops to poultry and aquatic products sectors.

According to the plan, a series of seed industrial parks of crops, poultry and aquatic products will be established by adopting investment and science resources. In addition, third party inspection institutes will be imported to the transshipment base and will be able to provide inspection service to the countries along the Belt and Road Initiative.

No.1 Central Document of 2021 enhanced the importance of developing the country' seed industry and pointed out seed is the foundation for agriculture modernization. Huang said Hainan's current output value of seed industry is 28 billion yuan. "With the mature seed industry chain in the future, seed industry output value of Hainan is possible to reach 50 billion by the end of 14th Five Year Plan 2021-2025."