China issues over 5.2 trln yuan of bonds in September

BEIJING, Oct. 31 (Xinhua) -- The total bond issuance in China exceeded 5.2 trillion yuan (about 724.56 billion U.S. dollars) in September 2022, central bank data showed.

Specifically, the issuance of treasury bonds came in at 905.87 billion yuan last month, while that of local government bonds stood at 301.08 billion yuan, according to the People's Bank of China.

In September, financial bond issuance reached 892.31 billion yuan and corporate bond issuance topped 1.17 trillion yuan. The issuance of asset-backed securities amounted to 41.69 billion yuan, while that of interbank deposit certificates hit 1.83 trillion yuan.

As of the end of September, outstanding bonds held in custody stood at 143.9 trillion yuan, the data showed.