BYD Atto 3 EV officially launched in Malaysia
By Zhao Yipu
People's Daily app

Photos: Zhao Yipu/ People's Daily

Kuala Lumpur (People’s Daily) – Malaysia International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Seri Tengku Zafrul Abdul Aziz on Thursday encouraged foreign automakers like BYD to enter Malaysia to push forward the country's electric vehicle industry.

The minister made the remarks at a ceremony in which Chinese automaker BYD launched its first fully electric vehicle, the ATTO 3, in Kuala Lumpur.

The minister reiterated Malaysia’s EV adoption target — 15 percent total sales volume by 2030, 38 percent by 2040, and 10,000 public chargers by 2025.

“I would say thank you to BYD for its effort to make us reach our targets in our EV future,” the minister said.

The launch of ATTO 3 will be followed by model E6, with the Seal and Dolphin models to enter the Malaysian market by the end of 2023.