Elderly RV'ers keep on truckin'
By Elaine Yue Lin
People's Daily app


It has been 18 years since an elderly couple from Liaoning, China’s northeastern province, started their journey to the southern part of China on yearly basis in their DIY RV. Despite health setbacks, they have travelled  across most of China, covering almost 1 million miles during their trip. 


The couple are both in their seventies. The wife, Mrs. She enjoys travelling to see beautiful scenery. The husband, Mr. Jiang, wants to be with her, so he drives and acts as her “bodyguard” on the way.


Their RV is equipped with a bed, a refrigerator and moisture-proof baggage.


Mrs. She is always focusing on her husband when she takes photos. Mr. Jiang is always joking to make her laugh. The journey is just like a series of comedies that have been playing for 18 years.


They have two meals a day: brunch and dinner. Mr. Jiang almost lost his entire stomach due to cancer. He, though cured, cannot eat much. He cannot keep his promise of "tasting everything delicious in China" anymore. However, he changes the promise to "seeing everything delicious in China".


Every visitor to their RV is received as a guest with delicious dishes they cooked. From what they learn from the strangers, they find their next destination.


Mr. Jiang is taking photos of the scenery, which is actually of the other photographer.