Hebei records new local case
China Daily

A medical worker takes a swab sample from a villager for COVID-19 nucleic acid test in Dongguan village of Shenze county, Shijiazhuang, North China's Hebei province, Nov 2, 2021. (Photo: Xinhua)

Shijiazhuang, capital city of Hebei province, on Wednesday reported a new asymptomatic local case of COVID-19, according to a statement from the city's Xinhua district government on its official Sina Weibo account.

A male, surnamed Wang, tested positive for the virus on early Wednesday and is a close contact of a confirmed case in Wuhan, capital city of Hubei province.

Wang attended a training course from Saturday to Sunday in a hotel in Wuhan, the statement said.

He left Wuhan for Shijiazhuang on Monday.

A total of 66 people attended the training course from Friday to Sunday, held in a hotel by a health product company, Li Tao, deputy secretary-general of the government of Wuhan, said at a news conference on Tuesday afternoon.

Twenty-four of the participants left Wuhan to go home, he added.