Mainland slams attempt to challenge UN resolution embodying one-China principle

Zhu Fenglian, spokesperson for the State Council Taiwan Affairs Office, answers questions at a press conference in Beijing, China, March 30, 2022. (Photo: CFP)

A mainland spokesperson on Wednesday refuted a recent report that challenges the United Nations (UN) General Assembly Resolution 2758 in an attempt to back the "Taiwan independence" fallacy.

The report clearly states that it is sponsored by Taiwan's Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), and the whole report is nothing but platitudes of the DPP authorities, said Zhu Fenglian, spokesperson for the State Council Taiwan Affairs Office, adding that she questioned whether the publishers have basic common sense.

Zhu made the remarks at a press conference in response to a media query regarding a report recently published by two American scholars.

She added that Resolution 2758, adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1971, recognizes that the government of the People's Republic of China is the only lawful representative of China to the UN.

Misinterpreting the resolution and attacking the one-China principle is either out of ignorance or with ulterior motivations, she added.

She also warned the DPP authorities about colluding with external forces, saying that there is no way out by distorting international law and attacking the one-China principle by such low-level acts, and it will only bring disgrace upon itself.