People's Daily Tonight: Podcast News (1/10/2019 Thu.)
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This is People’s Daily Tonight, your news source from China.  I’m David Nye in Beijing.


Xi Jinping, Kim Jong-un hold talks, reaching important consensus 


Chinese President Xi Jinping held talks with Democratic People’s Republic of Korean leader Kim Jong-un on Tuesday, the same day he arrived in Beijing.

The two leaders had an in-depth exchange of views on China-DPRK relations and issues of common concern, and reached important consensus.

They agreed to make joint efforts to push for continuous new development in China-DPRK relations in the new era, constantly advance the political settlement process of the Korean Peninsula issue, bring more benefits to people of the two countries, and make positive contribution to peace, stability, prosperity and development of the region and the world. (Xinhua)


Chinese court to hold public hearing on Canadian citizen's case next Monday 


A court in northeastern China on Thursday has announced to hold a public hearing on January 14 on a case related to a Canadian citizen, Robert Lloyd Schellenberg, according to a statement on Thursday by the Intermediate People's Court of Dalian City, Liaoning Province.

Schellenberg was found guilty by the Dalian Intermediate People's Court in November. He was sentenced to 15 years on a drug smuggling charge. The court also ordered the seizure of 150,000 yuan worth of the defendant's assets except for the prison term.

Earlier on December 29, the High People's Court of Liaoning Province ordered the retrial of Schellenberg. (Xinhua)


China, US agree to maintain close contact after vice-ministerial level talks conclude 


The latest round of vice-ministerial level negotiations on trade between China and the US has ended.

That’s according to a statement issued by China's Ministry of Commerce on Thursday.

The statement said both sides had "extensive, in-depth, and detailed communication" on trade and structural issues, and agreed to maintain close contact.

China and the US held vice-ministerial level consultations on economic and trade issues from Monday to Wednesday in Beijing. 

The talks were initially scheduled to last two days but were extended by an additional half day. (CGTN)


China plays positive role in denuclearizing Korean Peninsula, improving inter-Korean ties: Moon 


China has played a positive role in denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula and improving inter-Korean relations, South Korean President Moon Jae-in said in his New Year press conference on Thursday.

"Until now, China has played a positive role in helping very much the Korean Peninsula's denuclearization and improving inter-Korean relations," said Moon in the televised press conference.

China, Moon said, has always played a positive role in helping the summits between South Korea and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) and between the DPRK and the United States.

The latest summit talks between the top leaders of China and DPRK are anticipated to play "a very positive role" for the success of the second summit between Kim and US President Donald Trump, said the South Korean president. (Xinhua)


British PM suffers fresh Brexit defeat 


British MPs voted to force Prime Minister Theresa May to quickly set out an alternative plan for Brexit if she loses a crucial vote on her EU withdrawal deal next week.

It was her second parliamentary defeat in 24 hours.

The House of Commons voted to reduce the time the government has to outline a "plan B" from 21 days to three if, as expected, lawmakers reject the Brexit agreement in a vote on Tuesday.

Members of May's own Conservative party led the revolt amid fears that the current timetable would take Britain too close to crashing out of the European Union on March 29 with no deal at all.

Earlier, MPs denied the government certain taxation powers in a no-deal scenario. (AFP)


19 hurt in France building blaze: fire service


Nineteen people were injured, two seriously, when a fire swept through a four-storey apartment building in the southwestern French city of Toulouse, the fire service told AFP on Thursday.

Part of the building collapsed and guests from a neighbouring hotel were also evacuated, said fire lieutenant-colonel Sylvain Gergaud.

The blaze had been brought under control by daybreak. (AFP)


Opposition candidate Tshisekedi wins DR Congo's presidential election


And opposition candidate Felix Tshisekedi has won the presidential election in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

That’s based on interim results proclaimed early Thursday morning by the electoral commission.

Interim results show that Tshisekedi received more than 7 million votes, or 38 percent.

The country held elections on Dec. 30 last year and the results were scheduled to be announced on Jan. 6. But the electoral commission put off announcing the results due to problems with collecting data. (Xinhua)


And that’s People’s Daily Tonight.  Thanks for joining us.

(Produced by David Nye, Qu Qiuyan and Wang Xiangyu)