Fresh Start: Podcast News (8/6/2018 Mon.)
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Welcome to Fresh Start.

This is People’s Daily app. 

Here are today’s picks from our editors.

Fujian starts providing fresh water to Kinmen, Taiwan


An undersea pipeline started delivering fresh water from China’s coastal province of Fujian to Kinmen, a small island of Taiwan, on Sunday.

The source of the water-diversion project is located at Longhu Lake in Jinjiang, the second largest lake in Fujian.

The 28-kilometer pipeline can provide 34,000 cubic meters of water daily, with a capacity reaching some 55,000 cubic meters.

The water project investment total was 388 million yuan ($57 million).

Kinmen is very short of water. 

Due to its special geographical location, water resources are scarce, and the per capita water resources is only 1,000 cubic meters, far below the internationally recognized per capita water resource warning line. (People’s Daily app)

Venezuelan President Maduro unharmed after attack with explosives: official


A live broadcast of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro's speech in the capital of Caracas was abruptly cut off due to drone-bombs on Saturday. 

Maduro was standing next to his wife Cilia Flores and several high-ranking military officials for the event broadcast on radio and television.

Information Minister Jorge Rodriguez said in a live broadcast that several drone-like devices with explosives detonated near Maduro.

He said Maduro is safe and unharmed but that seven people were injured, reported by AP. 

US National Security Adviser John Bolton has denied any American involvement in Venezuela drone attack. “I can say, unequivocally, there is no US involvement in this at all,” Bolton said Sunday.  (People’s Daily app - AP)

At least 82 killed after strong quake hits Indonesia's Lombok island: official 


At least 82 people were killed by a strong quake that struck Indonesia’s tourist island Lombok on early Sunday evening, an official told local media, one week after another quake in the same area killed more than a dozen people.

The latest earthquake triggered a brief tsunami warning, which later was removed. 

The US Geological Survey says the quake had a magnitude of 7.0 and its epicenter was about 2 kilometers southeast of Loloan, with a depth of 10.5 kilometers.

A magnitude 6.4 quake hit Lombok, which is just east of Bali, on July 29, killing 16 people. (People’s Daily app)

North Korea blasts extension of US-Japan nuclear pact 


A white paper from the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) has blasted the extension of the three-decade-old US-Japan nuclear cooperation agreement as "anti-human and anti-peace crimes," the Rodong Sinmun newspaper reported Sunday.

The white paper, issued by the Korea Asia-Pacific Peace Committee (KAPPC), also accused the US of double standard, treating the DPRK and Japan differently on nuclear issues.

The KAPPC also said that if the US wants denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, it has to take issue with Japan's nuclear weaponization moves and judge the situation from a "fair stand." (Xinhua)

500 Chinese students participate in 2018 World Educational Robot


The 2018 World Educational Robot (WER) China district contest was held in Xiamen in Fujian Province over the weekend. 

At least 500 high school students from more than 10 provinces across China competed in the contest.

The WER was founded in 1994, and the first official contest was held in 2013. 

Students ranging in age 4 to 18 complete assigned missions by using robots. 

Every year, 500,000 contestants from 50 countries participate in the WER trials.

The theme of this year's competition was "Information Era." 

By playing the role of a software engineer, telecommunications expert and data analyst, contestants learned how to use information to provide better services for people. (China Plus - China News Service)

Ebola outbreak in DR Congo believed to have killed 33: health ministry


A new Ebola virus outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo is believed to have killed 33 people in the east of the country, the health ministry said Saturday.

13 Ebola cases have been confirmed since the latest outbreak was declared on August 1 in North Kivu province.

While just three of the fatalities have been among the 13 confirmed cases, the death toll is believed to have risen to 33, the health authorities said in a bulletin Saturday.

Containing an Ebola outbreak in a "war zone" in the Democratic Republic of Congo is among the most difficult challenges the World Health Organization has faced, a top WHO official said Friday. (AFP)

Endangered orchard found in SW China


Two groups of endangered Corybas taliensis plants have been found on Gaoligong Mountain in southwest China's Yunnan Province, according to Yunnan Gaoligong Mountain National Nature Reserve.

A research team found the plants, covering a total area of over 10,000 square meters, at elevations between 2,400 and 2,700 meters. The occasion marks the first time researchers have confirmed the existence of the species in the area.

"Corybas taliensis is distributed scatteredly and highly susceptible to human disturbance. They urgently need to be protected," said Dao Zhiling, an associate researcher at the Kunming Institute of Botany.

The plant is listed by the International Union for Conservation of Nature as an endangered species. (Xinhua)

Thanks for listening and be sure to catch us tomorrow.

And now for the Question of the Day:

When was the first email sent over the Internet?

(Answer: In 1971.)

Today’s quote is from French leader Charles de Gaulle.

“Silence is the ultimate weapon of power.”

(Produced by Nancy Yan Xu, Ryan Yaoran Yu, Lance Crayon, and Terry Guanlin Li.)