Open Beijing keeps moving ahead
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The documentary featured 40 foreign experts from 22 countries in Asia, Europe, Africa, North America and Latin America. They reflected on life and work in Beijing, and discuss the tremendous changes in Beijing during the 40 years of reform and opening up. They said, “Let Chinese and foreign readers feel the fruitful results of the 40 years of Beijing's reform and opening up."

Bert Hofman, from the Netherlands, is  the director of the World Bank China Office. The first time he came to Beijing was in 1992.  There was no airport expressway. There were only two loops in the whole city. In the past 20 years, Beijing has undergone tremendous changes. In terms of environmental governance, the Beijing Municipal Government has made great efforts. Compared with three to four years ago, pollution has been reduced by 25 percent-30 percent. He believes that Beijing is one of the best cities in the world, and Beijing will only get better and better in the next decade.