How new regulations will impact everyday life
China Daily

A visitor checks out an e-cigarette during an exhibition in Shenzhen, Guangdong province. (Photo provided to China Daily)

A number of new or revised regulations began to be implemented on Tuesday, affecting many areas of everyday life.


A recently unveiled regulation on advancing the development of self-employed businesses took effect Tuesday, setting out a number of preferential policies.

Areas covered include registration of market entities, annual reporting services, supply of business premises as well as capital, taxation, finance, social security, entrepreneurship and employment.

Specific measures include guiding and supporting self-employed businesses to accelerate digital development and improve their online business capabilities and stipulating platform operators to solve various problems.


A revised regulation on the training of motor vehicle drivers standardized the management of driving school coaches and driving school activities, encouraging high-quality development of the market.

In terms of coach management, it is stipulated a vocational skill level system should be designed to improve the quality of coaches.

The regulation clearly stipulates driving schools should sign contracts with trainees which clarify the rights and obligations of both parties, protecting trainees' legitimate rights such as independent selection of coaches.


A revised regulation on the recall system for drugs clarifies the responsibility of drug holders on risk management and the safety of public medication, and states the active recall is an important part of lifecycle management.

Drug holders should publish recall information on the websites of provincial-level drug supervision and administration departments.


New rules for food production license review also came into effect on Tuesday, stipulating market regulation authorities, instead of medical products administrations, will take charge of the review.

Market regulation authorities should arrange review work on the issuance, changes and extension of food production licenses, as well as other work.

In order to ensure the approval department completes food production license work within 10 working days, the rules stipulate the completion time limit of on-site inspection is five working days.


According to a statement jointly issued by the Ministry of Finance, the General Administration of Customs and the State Administration of Taxation, China would start collecting an excise tax on e-cigarettes on Tuesday.

E-cigarettes have been added to the tobacco tax line item.

Units and individuals that produce (import) and wholesale e-cigarettes are responsible for paying the tax. The tax rate for the production (import) link is 36 percent, and the tax rate for the wholesale link is 11 percent.