China to expand coverage of social relief for the vulnerable

Farmers at Aobei village in Huichang county, Jiangxi province, harvest tangelos on Dec 24. (Photo: China Daily)

BEIJING - China has issued revised guidelines for qualifying the vulnerable for social relief, including more people facing difficulties into the support scheme, the Ministry of Civil Affairs said Saturday.

Apart from including more people living with disabilities, China's social relief network will provide support to poor families whose legal caregiver is over 70 years old and earns less than the local average disposable household income of the previous year, or families where the caregiver lives with disabilities and is supported by the social relief scheme, according to the guidelines.

Minors supported by the social relief scheme will receive continued assistance until they are 18 years old, instead of the previous 16 years old, said the document, adding that the support will continue if those coming of age are enrolled in compulsory education or senior high schools or vocational schools.

The revised guidelines will go into effect on July 1, 2021, nullifying the current version that was adopted in October 2016, said the ministry.