US' politicization of human rights brings disastrous effects on global human rights govern
Global Times

China's non-governmental organization released a report on Monday lashing the US' politicization of human right which has hindered the normal development of global human rights, plunged some countries into chaos and profaned this sacred concept.

Illustration: Liu Rui/GT

Illustration: Liu Rui/GT

The report, titled US Politicization of Human Rights Erodes Foundations of Human Rights Governance was released by the China Society for Human Rights Studies (CSHRS), China's largest non-governmental organization in the field of human rights.

Reviewing the historical process of the global disastrous effects of US' politicization of human rights, the report maintains that the US treated human rights issues in a selective, double-standard, confrontational and coerced way to realize its political interests and global hegemony.

To pursue its political interests, the US disregarded the basic concept of human rights by raising the Dulles Doctrine in the 1950s and by prioritizing anti-communism during the administration of Eisenhower, Kennedy and Johnson, said the report.

The US also wields the baton of human rights to violate other countries' sovereignty. From the military invasion in Afghanistan and Iraq, the economic sanction on so-called "rogue states" to ideological weapons against China, the US has turn the concept of human rights into a tool for political struggle.

Analysts said the report reviews the US' habitual acts against human rights in the name of safeguarding them, urging more social organizations, including the Chinese academia, to clarify the true meaning of freedom, democracy and human rights with proactive and high-quality researches.

"The report fully reviews the habitual anti-human rights acts of the US that have polluted the lofty ideal of human rights by distorting them to meet its changing demand", said Zhang Yonghe, Executive Dean of the Human Rights Institution of the Southwest University of Political Science and Law in Chongqing

The US held the so-called "democracy summit" earlier in December claiming to consult ideas about "defending against authoritarianism" and "promoting respect for human rights." However, it chose to turn a blind eye to terrible human rights records it and its allies have while harshly criticizing other countries, the report noted.

"The Chinese academia should not only put more efforts on clarifying the true meaning of freedom, democracy and human rights, but set the agenda in a more proactive way, avoiding the passive response after external provocations," said Zhang, adding that "different from the white papers or reports published by Chinese officials, normalized and high-quality study on these issues from a non-governmental perspective really matters."