More than 80 countries voice support to China amid US and a few Western countries smearing at UN session
Global Times

United Nations Photo:CFP


More than 80 countries voiced their support to China for developing its own pattern for human rights development and opposed politicizing human rights issues to suppress other countries at the 76th session of UN General Assembly on Thursday while the US and a few Western countries started a new round of attacks on China over topics of its Xinjiang, Hong Kong and Xizang (Tibet) regions.

On behalf of 62 countries, Cuba made a joint statement on Thursday at the UN General Assembly to support China for developing its own pattern on human rights that fits its conditions and oppose other countries' interference in China's internal affairs under the banner of human rights.

The joint statement was made at the 76th session of the UN General Assembly as the Third Committee reviewed human rights issues but a few countries, including the US and France made groundless accusations targeting China's human rights record.

In response, more than 80 countries supported China's stance.

Cuba, on behalf of 62 countries, made a joint statement, saying that they respect each country's sovereignty, integrity and independence and no interference in other countries' domestic affairs should be the basic international code. Issues on China's Xinjiang, Hong Kong and Xizang regions are China's internal affairs, and no country has the right to interfere in.

The joint statement called on countries to respect people of different countries to choose their own pattern for human rights development and it opposed politicizing human rights issues or double standards or making groundless accusations at China out of political purposes and based on disinformation.

Kuwait, on behalf of three Gulf countries, also made a joint statement to support China and it said that to deal with human rights issues, countries should abide by principles of objectiveness without politicization and the UN Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. They should also respect each country's sovereignty and not interfere in other countries' internal affairs.

During the review meeting, more than 20 countries also voiced their support for China, making a positive evaluation on China's progress on human rights and calling on countries to adhere to multilateralism and coordination.

Ambassador Zhang Jun, China's permanent representative to the UN, refuted the untenable accusations and reiterated China's stance on human rights issues, saying that China firmly opposes and refuses untenable accusations made by some countries.

It is so difficult for the US and a few countries to change their old bad habits - misusing the UN platform to make untenable accusations at China, spread political viruses and disinformation, and poison the atmosphere for cooperation.

China has actively participated in all the topics of the Third Committee and offered China's approaches. On behalf of 31 countries, China made a joint statement to oppose unilateral sanctions; on behalf of 76 countries, it made a joint statement on promoting fair distribution of vaccines; together with African countries, China also released a joint statement opposing racial discrimination, winning support from 78 countries. All these showcase that China and the majority of developing countries insist that communication is the right direction for promoting human rights and cooperation is the right pattern, Zhang noted.

I also want to tell the US followers that you think you can be superior to others by obeying the super power and playing the jackal to the tiger, but as a country that has no independence, you lost dignity and earn no respect from others, Zhang said.

The Chinese ambassador pointed out that China has introduced the situation on its Xinjiang region for many times at various occasions. Before the opening of the Third Committee, China's Permanent Mission to the UN held a joint video conference with the Xinjiang regional government and invited representatives of local residents and foreigners who had visited Xinjiang or lived there to share their stories of the region.

The own experiences and stories of more than 1,000 foreign diplomats, journalists, religious people from more than 100 countries who had visited Xinjiang shattered the lies made by some Western countries. Zhang noted that the happy life and smile of Chinese people are the best and most true proof for China's human rights achievements. The lies made by the West can only fool themselves not the whole world.

Ambassador Zhang also noted that China welcomes all good and kind advice but refuses lectures based on lies and political oppressing or from those who think of themselves as superior to others. China's resolution to safeguard its sovereignty, security and interests of developments is firm and unshakable. It will carry on making contributions to promote human rights work around the world.