Hubei university hosts 'golden' wedding ceremony
China Daily

A university in Hubei province holds a golden wedding ceremony for 26 pairs of retired teachers on Nov 6, 2020. (Photos:

A university in Hubei province held a golden wedding ceremony for 26 pairs of retired teachers on Nov 6, sharing their secrets for sustained love.

Dai Jiachen, a retired teacher from the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the university, said he and his wife, Ding Caiping, shared the workload in the family together, and seldom had a quarrel with each other for the past 50 years.

"Having a tacit understanding is necessary for us during the course of our marriage," Dai said. "Mutual understanding, love and respect are the keys to keep our marriage fresh and vibrant."

Couple He Shixiu and Sun Shiyao agreed. "The secret of living a good life every day is to always respect and admire each other, and be considerate, which also requires shared beliefs while growing old together," He said.

A university in Hubei province holds a golden wedding ceremony for 26 pairs of retired teachers on Nov 6, 2020.

She added after their marriage, she and her husband, Sun, had been separated for a long time since she worked in Sichuan province while her husband served in the army in Jilin province.

"Long distance didn't affect our feelings toward each other, even whenwe could only see each other once a year. We didn't have any sense of estrangement," she said.

Eventually, He and her husband, Sun, settled in Wuhan, Hubei province and both taught at the Hubei University of Technology.