Mainland medical experts continue checking Hong Kong's anti-COVID work

Mainland epidemiological experts meet and exchange views with Hong Kong officials over the anti-COVID strategies and measures in Hong Kong, south China, February 18, 2022. (Photo: CFP)

Two teams of medical experts from the Chinese mainland continued checking anti-COVID-19 work and treatment of patients in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HSKAR) on Sunday.

The team of epidemiological experts from the mainland met and exchanged views with representatives from the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO), the Home Affairs Department (HAD), and the Department of Health (DH) of the HKSAR government.

Sophia Chan, secretary for food and health of the HKSAR government, said that the HKSAR government will carefully study and implement the recommendations of mainland experts and manage the various aspects of anti-COVID work.

"The HKSAR government spares no effort in implementing anti-COVID strategies that are effective, targeted and most suited to the situation in Hong Kong in order to cut the virus transmission chains as quickly as possible, and to put the fifth wave of the COVID-19 outbreak under control," she said.

During the meeting, the OGCIO introduced the technical support provided for the compulsory home quarantine arrangements in the HKSAR, and the HAD briefed the mainland experts on the scope of services and mode of operation of the 24-hour hotline to support the "StayHomeSafe" scheme.

After the meeting, the epidemiological experts visited the Quarantine Center Task Force to learn about the HKSAR government's quarantine and isolation work. The team was also briefed on the city's sewage surveillance program on Sunday afternoon.

Other mainland medical experts attended a meeting chaired by Chan, with representatives from the Hospital Authority (HA) in Hong Kong, and learned about the city's work in treating COVID-19 patients. Both sides exchanged views on the latest situation of the fifth wave of the pandemic in the city and the clinical management of patients.

In the afternoon, the medical experts visited the Princess Margaret Hospital Infectious Disease Center to learn about Hong Kong's work in diagnosis, treatment and care for confirmed COVID-19 patients.

The epidemiological and medical expert teams, both from the neighboring Guangdong Province, arrived in Hong Kong on February 17 and 19, respectively.

Source(s): Xinhua News Agency