Chinese FM congratulates opening of Chinese Embassy in Solomon Islands

Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Monday sent a congratulatory message on the opening of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Solomon Islands. 


Honiara, capital of Solomon Islands. /Xinhua

On September 21, 2019, China and Solomon Islands officially established diplomatic relations, ushering in a new chapter in the bilateral ties. 

"Thanks to the concerted efforts of both sides, China-Solomon Islands relations made a good start and have since enjoyed a strong momentum and fruitful results. Political trust has kept deepening. Exchanges and cooperation in various fields have flourished. Mutual understanding and friendship between the two peoples have continued to grow," Wang said. 

"Facing the severe challenges posed by COVID-19, China and Solomon Islands have stood by each other to tide over the difficulties and made important achievements in containing the virus. We are heartened by all the progress made in our bilateral relations," Wang continued. 

Wang said with the opening of the embassy, China will work with Solomon Islands to further step up high-level engagement and exchanges at various levels, expand practical cooperation across the board and deepen the friendship between both sides.  

"Together, we will make even greater progress in China-Solomon Islands relations and deliver more benefits to the two peoples," he added.