Shanghai orders grade IV emergency response to flood and typhoon
By Shen Wenmin
People's Daily app


Photo: VCG

Due to the approaching Typhoon Lingling (super typhoon scale), boats along Shanghai coastal waters will encounter gale-force winds. Shanghai’s Central Meteorological Station issued a typhoon blue warning signal and  the Shanghai Maritime Safety Administration ordered a grade IV emergency response to flood and typhoon this morning.

Typhoon Lingling is expected to pass the coast of Shanghai, and will mainly affect the navigation, berthing and safety of boats in Yangshan port and the Yangtze estuary. From Friday to Sunday, rain and wind will hit East China, south of the Yangtze River and Northeast China.

The Shanghai Maritime Safety Administration has taken multiple measures in typhoon prevention: spread typhoon prevention information and early warning and prevention, shelter ships, and control the density of ships in the Shanghai section of the Yangtze river.

(Compiled by Yu Lidong)