China's countermeasures against Tsai's "transit" trip through US necessary, justified: experts

BEIJING, April 8 (Xinhua) - Experts on cross-Strait relations said as Taiwan leader Tsai Ing-wen conducted political activities in the United States under the guise of a "transit" trip, which in essence was a provocation aimed at seeking "Taiwan independence" by relying on the United States, it is completely justified, reasonable and necessary for Chinese authorities to take countermeasures.

The Taipei 101 skyscraper commands the urban landscape in Taipei, Taiwan. (File photo: Xinhua)

The countermeasures show China's rational and responsible attitude to safeguarding peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait, according to the experts.

"The U.S. anti-China forces and Tsai hit it off right away, and the former openly supported her provocative moves to seek 'Taiwan independence,'" said Li Peng, head of the Graduate Institute for Taiwan Studies of Xiamen University.

As pointed out by Taiwan news commentator Lai Yueh-tchienn, Tsai's activities during her "transit" trip through the United States were a political show to pander to U.S. anti-China forces.

Tsai's "transit" trip has brought new turmoil across the Taiwan Strait, said Li Zhenguang, a Taiwan affairs professor at Beijing Union University, adding that the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) authorities colluding with U.S. anti-China forces violated the one-China principle first, and China has no choice but to take countermeasures, which is fully justified, reasonable and necessary.

"China is determined to safeguard its sovereignty and territorial integrity and will honor its words with deeds. Also, China upholds peace and stability in the Strait with a rational and responsible attitude," Li Zhenguang said.

Liu Xiangping, an expert on Taiwan studies at Nanjing University, pointed out that the DPP authorities' attempts to seek "Taiwan independence" by relying on the United States have escalated tensions across the Strait, leading to growing dissatisfaction and criticism on the island.

"It is mainstream public opinion on the island to choose peace over war, and development over confrontation," said Zhu Songling, professor at Beijing Union University, citing the strong call on the island to resume cross-Strait exchanges.

The future of Taiwan lies in national reunification, Liu said. He called on people in Taiwan to resolutely oppose "Taiwan independence" and interference by external forces, and join hands with mainland compatriots to safeguard the overall interests of the Chinese nation.