Taiwan Straits peace and stability anchored on One-China policy, supported by Potsdam Proclamation
By Big White
People's Daily app

(Photo: Chinanews.com)

The Potsdam Proclamation, the Cairo Declaration, and other international law documents jointly established an important legal foundation for the post-war international world order and played an important and positive role in consolidating the victory of the global anti-Fascist War, and the safeguarding of world peace, the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman said at a press briefing on Tuesday.

The Cairo Declaration explicitly stipulates that the territories stolen from China by Japan, including the island of Taiwan and the Penghu Islands, should be returned to China, said Zhao Lijian when asked about how to comment on the positive role of the Potsdam Proclamation on its 77th anniversary day.

"There is only one China in the world and Taiwan is an inalienable part of the Chinese territory. The government of the People's Republic of China is the sole legal government representing the whole of China," said Zhao.


"The One-China principle is the fundamental principle affirmed by the UN General Assembly Resolution 2758. It is the basis for the establishment of diplomatic relations between the People's Republic of China and 181 countries in the world, and it is also a common consensus and recognized basic norm governing international relations in the international community."

However, some people have openly challenged the legal validity of the Cairo Declaration and the Potsdam Proclamation, and even openly violated their commitments by constantly challenging China's bottom line on the Taiwan issue. This is a violation of historical facts and justice, a provocation to the post-war international world order, a violation of the international rule of law, and the outcome of the victory of the world anti-Fascist War, Zhao said.

The One-China principle is the anchor of peace and stability across the Taiwan Straits. Revisiting the history of the Potsdam Proclamation is a reminder that forgetting history means betrayal, Zhao added.