Chinese FM talks over phone with Swiss president

BEIJING, March 29 (Xinhua) -- Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Swiss President and Foreign Minister Ignazio Cassis held on Tuesday a telephone conversation, during which the two mainly discussed the situation in Ukraine.

In this Oct 22, 2019 file photo, Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi shakes hand with Swiss Federal Councilor and Foreign Minister Ignazio Cassis for the second China-Switzerland Foreign Ministers' Strategic Dialogue in Berne, Switzerland. (Photo: China's Foreign Ministry)

Wang said that it is deplorable that the situation in Ukraine has developed to this point, adding that China, a permanent member of the UN Security Council, has always decided on its position and policy according to the merits of the matter itself.

Noting that Chinese President Xi Jinping recently gave the most authoritative elaboration of China's basic position during a video summit with the leaders of France and Germany, Wang said that all of China's measures are taken based on the "four musts."

He also said that China is committed to promoting peace talks, and has started to encourage Russia and Ukraine to conduct face-to-face negotiations from the next day after the outbreak of the conflict.

The Chinese side has always maintained that only by strengthening the efforts of the international community to promote peace talks can space be explored for diplomatic negotiations and settlement of the conflict, adding that China will continue to contribute to this in its own way.

Sanctions have never been an effective way to solve problems, said Wang, adding that the unlimited escalation of sanctions will not only worsen the difficult recovery of the global economy after the outbreak of the pandemic, but also further expand and complicate contradictions.

He urged that normal international economic and trade exchanges between non-parties to the conflict should not be affected, and the legitimate rights and interests of various countries should be earnestly safeguarded.

Cassis said that it is the largest war that broke out in Europe in more than 70 years, resulting in the displacement of a large number of civilians and having a serious impact on economic recovery, globalization and multilateralism.

The Swiss president said that Switzerland also believes that diplomacy is the only correct way to deal with it, and it stands for resolving differences through dialogues and negotiations.

Switzerland maintains dialogue with Russia and Ukraine, and it does not support the exclusion of Russia from multilateral institutions, he said, adding Switzerland will continue to uphold its status as a neutral country and provide goodwill services for diplomatic mediation and the promotion of peace talks.

Wang stressed that China has put forward a six-point initiative to prevent a larger-scale humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, provided two batches of emergency humanitarian assistance to Ukraine, and helped Ukrainian neighboring countries resettle the displaced Ukrainian people.

He added that the short-term goals of China and Switzerland in dealing with the situation in Ukraine are the same -- to achieve a cease-fire and end the conflict as soon as possible and to avoid a humanitarian crisis.

In the long run, all parties should address each other's legitimate concerns and explore ways to build a balanced, effective and sustainable European security framework, he said.

Noting that China appreciates Switzerland's repeated commitment to permanent neutrality and its role as a bridge-builder in international affairs, Wang said China expects Switzerland to play its unique role, and it stands ready to strengthen communication and coordination with Switzerland.

Cassis said he agreed that the European security framework should be rebuilt.

Switzerland attaches great importance to China's status as a major country and its international influence, Cassis said, adding Switzerland is willing to explore ways to strengthen cooperation with China and jointly play a constructive role in seeking a diplomatic solution.