A TB doctor's story as told by Peng Liyuan
By Dong Feng
People's Daily app

Peng Liyuan addresses video conference on World TB Day 2022 on Thursday. (Screenshot: CGTN)

Peng Liyuan, wife of Chinese President Xi Jinping and World Health Organization (WHO) goodwill ambassador for tuberculosis (TB) and HIV/AIDS, participated and addressed in a video conference for World Tuberculosis Day 2022 on Thursday.
In her video message, Peng said that since she joined the anti-TB endeavor more than a decade ago, she has visited many medical facilities, schools and communities, and she has witnessed tens of thousands of medical workers and volunteers, serving as defenders of heath with love and action. Peng told a story of "Professor Ma Yu," saying that the fight against TB could not be won without their silent yet complete dedication.
"This Chinese doctor in her 90s has been recognized as one of the 'Most Outstanding Figures in the Anti-TB Fight,'" noted Peng.
"She has been engaged in TB diagnosis, treatment, research and teaching for more than 60 years, and has been doing clinical work even during the pandemic," Peng added.
With exceptional expertise and work ethic, she has helped countless patients regain health and hope, devoting a lifetime to fighting TB, Peng said, adding that she is deeply touched by Professor Ma and many other medical workers like Ma around the world.

Ma Yu diagnoses a patient. (Photo: cctv.com)

"Love is the best prescription," is Ma's motto.
Ma works as a professor of the National Center for Tuberculosis Control and Prevention under the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
Ma often said that patients are vulnerable groups and should be patient and careful with them. "A doctor's worst enemy is indifference, and the most effective prescription is love."
In 1955, Ma graduated from the Medical Department of Jiangsu Medical College (now Nanjing Medical University) and came to work at the Central Tuberculosis Research Institute, the predecessor of Beijing Chest Hospital. In tuberculosis clinical and scientific research teaching positions, she has been working for a lifetime.
After the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic, Ma has been insisting on visiting the doctor. To make an accurate diagnosis as soon as possible, she often went to the CT room to check the electronic images, and called the patient in time to inform the patient of the condition, so that the patient could feel at ease. She also often takes the patient's medical records to the office to see, and then goes to the waiting hall to find waiting patients, sometimes for an hour.

Ma Yu (Photo: globalpeople.com.cn)

In 2021, Ma wrote a letter to thank Peng for her concern and support for TB prevention and treatment, and expressed her determination to continue to apply herself to the goal of ending TB.
In April 2021, Peng responded to correspondence from Ma. In her reply, Peng said that Ma has been engaged in TB diagnosis and treatment, scientific research and teaching for more than 60 years, and has always been on the front line of TB prevention and treatment, and is still committed to clinical work at the age of 90. Such professional dedication is impressive and admirable.
Writing as the WHO's goodwill ambassador for combating TB and HIV/AIDS, Peng said that she believes that with government attention and the efforts of medical workers and the whole of society, greater achievements will be made in TB prevention and treatment. She would like to continue to work hard with everyone.