China urges NATO to stop trying to start new Cold War or messing up world: MFA
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NATO has already messed up Europe, and stop messing up the Asia-Pacific and the world, a spokesperson said on Thursday.

Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin made the remarks at a routine press briefing in response to the upcoming NATO Summit which will discuss the agenda to respond to China’s rising influence.

Wang pointed out that NATO, as a product of the Cold War and the world’s largest military alliance led by the US, is a tool for the US to maintain hegemony and control the security pattern in Europe.


“NATO, which claims to be a defensive organization, has wantonly launched wars against sovereign states, killing large numbers of civilians and displacing tens of millions of people,” he said.

As a north Atlantic military organization, NATO has been showing its might in the Asia-Pacific region, trying to copy the pattern of confrontation of the European bloc to the Asia-Pacific region, Wang noted.

“Such a move is very dangerous and will trigger high vigilance and firm opposition from Asia-Pacific countries and the international community,” he added.

Wang stressed that China has always been a builder of world peace, contributor to global development and defender of the international order. “We will stay committed to the path of peaceful development.”

“We urge NATO to stop provoking confrontation by ideology, stop spreading disinformation and provocative remarks against China, and stop trying to start a new Cold War,” the spokesperson said.

“NATO has already messed up Europe, and stop messing up the Asia-Pacific and the world.”

On the participation of several Asia-Pacific countries in the summit, the spokesperson said that the development of relations between countries should be conducive to world peace and stability, and should not target or harm the interests of third parties.

“The Asia-Pacific region is not within the geographic scope of the North Atlantic,” he said. “The countries and peoples in the Asia-Pacific region firmly oppose any words or deeds that introduce military blocs and provoke separatism and confrontation.”

(Compiled by Meng Gaohan)