Wong’s Taiwan visit mocked
Global Times


A journalist films two young leaders of violent protests in Hong Kong, Agnes Chow Ting (left) and Joshua Wong Chi-fung (right) as they speak to the press on Friday. (Photo: AFP)

The visit of Joshua Wong Chi-fung, a Hong Kong activist and student leader of the Occupy Central Movement in 2014, to the island of Taiwan was mocked and blasted by net users, who called Wong a "political clown" and urged residents in Taiwan to see the nature of his secessionist activities.

While Wong, head of the Hong Kong-based secessionist organization Demosisto, was meeting politicians from Taiwan's Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) on Tuesday, a group of Taiwan residents gathered outside the party's headquarters to express their discontent, China News Service reported.

The residents shouted, "Go home, Joshua Wong" and "You are not welcome in Taiwan."

Wong also urged Taiwan residents to hold their own "demonstrations" on October 1, according to Taiwan News, which was mocked and blasted on social media.

"Since when did Taiwan become the colony of Hong Kong secessionist forces, and since when did people in Taiwan listen to Wong's manipulation?" Taiwan TV commentator Huang Chih-hsien wrote on Sina Weibo.

"You mean the riots that paralyzed the airport and subway, and almost destroyed business? Please don't hurt Taiwan the way you messed up Hong Kong," said a user of Sina Weibo, China's Twitter-like social platform.

Hung Kam-in, deputy secretary general of the Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong, the biggest pro-establishment party in the city, said "clearly, separatists of Hong Kong and Taiwan are planning a massive action across Hong Kong and Taiwan on October 1, when the country will celebrate the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the People's Republic of China."

"The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region government and the police need to prepare, and consider activating the emergency law to safeguard public order and prevent huge riots that day," Hung told the Global Times.

After his trip to the island of Taiwan, Wong will visit Germany and the US to attend events, Hong Kong media reported Friday.

Cheung Yuen Sum, convener of IDEA4HK, a Hong Kong-based think tank, told the Global Times on Wednesday that Wong and other Hong Kong separatists  are seeking a route of retreat in Taiwan because they know once their illegal activities are stopped, they won't be able to legally stay in the city.

Collusion between Hong Kong and Taiwan secessionists is not news, but at this stage, "Hong Kong separatists could lobby their Taiwan secessionist peers, such as members of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) administration, to issue a new immigration policy to accept them," said Cheung.

As Hong Kong separatists further smear and demonize the "one country, two systems," the DPP could also defraud more votes in next year's regional election, Cheung said.

Born in 1996, Wong is seen as a "vanguard" by the Hong Kong opposition. He took part in the 2014 Occupy Central Movement and attempted to break China's "one country, two systems" principle.

Wong was granted bail on Friday afternoon, hours after he was arrested the same day. He is scheduled to reappear in court on November 8, according to media reports.

Net users also urged Taiwan politicians to have a clear understanding of Wong's political agenda.

Some Taiwan politicians may think it's a big win to receive Wong on the island, but they are receiving a huge "atomic bomb" that will explode and destroy them, another net user said.

The country is too merciful to Wong, and he should be convicted of treason and espionage, Twitter user lei5599 said.

"He is a lapdog of the US, a clown who seeks political gain by betraying his country," another Sina Weibo user said.