CPC issues revised regulation on Party accountability

BEIJING, Sept. 4 (Xinhua) -- The Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee has issued a revised regulation on Party accountability, as well as a circular calling on Party organizations at all levels to follow the regulation.

The revised regulation, made public on Wednesday, targets Party organizations and leading officials of Party committees and discipline inspection committees.

Leading Party officials and organizations should be held accountable for poor leadership of the Party; insufficient promotion of political, theoretical, organizational and disciplinary work within the Party; insufficient combating of corruption; as well as improper conduct in the most pressing issues that concern the people, including education, medical services and ecological protection.

Leading officials will face punishment according to the severity of their wrongdoings, such as being named and shamed within certain ranks, receiving oral or written warnings, being suspended from their posts, transferred, or forced to resign, demotion, or dismissal. They are also subject to punishment for violating Party discipline.

Party organizations shall be restructured for serious dereliction of duty and violation of Party regulations.

Officials will be held responsible for serious breaches of duty for life, even if they are transferred, promoted or retire, according to the regulation.

The CPC issued a regulation on the accountability work in 2016 and the revised one was put into enforcement on Sept. 1 this year.