China to accelerate integration of rural e-commerce, express delivery systems

BEIJING, June 1 (Xinhua) -- China has issued a circular on speeding up the integration of rural e-commerce and express delivery systems to better link production and consumption between urban and rural areas.

The country will upgrade county-level logistics distribution centers and build demonstration zones for the coordinated development of rural e-commerce and express delivery services, said the circular jointly issued by the Ministry of Commerce and seven other government agencies.

Loquat grower Zhu Ying promotes loquats via livestreaming at her loquat garden in Mojiaqiao Village of Tangqi Town in Hangzhou, east China's Zhejiang Province, May 10, 2020. (Photo: Xinhua)

China aims to further facilitate the circulation of agricultural products from villages to cities, and consumer goods from urban to rural areas, said the circular.

Measures will be taken to encourage localities to improve rural express delivery infrastructure, promote the construction of cold-chain logistics facilities for the storage and preservation of agricultural products, and strengthen weak links in cold-chain logistics in producing areas.

The country will also encourage qualified rural areas to promote intelligent logistics with the support of cloud computing, big data and the Internet of Things, while offering e-commerce services including product development, data analysis and marketing.