Mainland official calls for working together for greater national interests

BEIJING, Jan. 2 (Xinhua) -- A senior official on the Chinese mainland has called for efforts from both sides of the Taiwan Strait to work for the greater national interests and jointly share the pride of national rejuvenation.

File photo: CFP

Liu Jieyi, head of both the Taiwan Work Office of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, made the remarks in a New Year's message carried in the first issue of the "Relations Across Taiwan Strait" magazine in 2022.

Liu said that stronger institutions, firmer material foundations, and a more proactive mindset are now equipped for national rejuvenation.

"We are now more capable, confident, and in a better position to accomplish the great cause of national reunification, as well as create a better life for people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait," he said.

The future of Taiwan and the wellbeing of Taiwan compatriots hinge on national reunification. After the reunification, Taiwan will enjoy lasting peace, a more developed economy, a more harmonious society, and an improved people's wellbeing, Liu said, adding that it will have a greater sense of security and dignity in the international community.

Secession aimed at "Taiwan independence" is the greatest obstacle to national reunification and the greatest threat to the interests and wellbeing of Taiwan compatriots, Liu noted in the article.

Any moves to seek "Taiwan independence," and attempts of external forces to interfere are doomed to fail, Liu said.

Albeit the COVID-19 epidemic and the obstruction of the Democratic Progressive Party authority, both sides of the Strait still have had robust cooperation in various fields and enjoyed close exchanges in multiple sectors over the past year, Liu said.

He called on Taiwan compatriots to seize the opportunities of the times, devote themselves to cross-Strait exchanges and cooperation, as well as adhere to the one-China principle and the 1992 Consensus.