Fresh Start: Podcast News (8/29/2019 Thu.)
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Welcome to Fresh Start.

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Here are today’s picks from our editors.

Xi asks China, Uzbekistan to promote quality Belt and Road construction


Chinese President Xi Jinping met with visiting Uzbek Prime Minister Abdulla Aripov in Beijing on Wednesday, calling on the two countries to jointly push forward the high-quality construction of the Belt and Road.

Xi stressed that he attaches great importance to the development of the China-Uzbekistan comprehensive strategic partnership, which is in line with the fundamental interests of the two countries and their peoples.

Xi called on both countries to further promote the high-quality construction of the Belt and Road, enhance synergy between national development strategies, strengthen connectivity through cross-border roads and railways, expand cooperation in trade, investment, high and new technology, energy and other fields, as well as foster new highlights in people-to-people and cultural exchanges.

Aripov conveyed President Mirziyoyev's sincere greetings and lofty respect to President Xi and his warm congratulations on the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. (Xinhua)

China to start new tariff exemption process for US imports

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China on Wednesday announced it will soon start accepting applications for exemptions from its second-round of additional tariffs on US imports.

Enterprises, business associations or chambers of commerce in China can file product exclusion applications online starting Sept. 2 until Oct. 18, according to the Customs Tariff Commission of the State Council.

The commission will exempt certain products from the additional tariffs, and offer temporary tariff exemptions or refunds of added duties based on the applications from relevant stakeholders. (Xinhua)

Nightclub fire in eastern Mexico kills 23


Twenty-three people were killed and some 10 others seriously injured when a nightclub in Coatzacoalcos, a major port city in eastern Mexico was set on fire Tuesday night, local authorities said.

Eight women and 15 men lost their lives in the incident, while 13 others were being treated at hospitals with severe injuries.

Local authorities are investigating the cause of the fire and whether it was deliberately set. (Xinhua)

Brazil accepts aid from Chile for Amazon rainforest


Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro said on Wednesday that South American countries would meet to determine a common policy in defense of the Amazon rainforest, and took another swipe at France for an offer of $20 million in aid.

Bolsonaro also accepted an offer from Chile of four aircraft to help fight the fires sweeping through the world’s largest rainforest.

Bolsonaro said that a meeting with regional neighbors except Venezuela to discuss a common policy in defense of the Amazon will be held on September 6 in the Colombian city of Leticia. (CGTN)

Kenyan court jails Ethiopian for bomb joke on airplane

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An Ethiopian man has been sentenced to four months in prison for joking about a bomb after boarding a plane in Kenya.

Chifraye Bekele’s joke caused panic among staff and passengers, and also led to the cancellation of the Johannesburg-bound Kenya Airways flight in April.

The incident prompted a three-hour shut-down of the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport in the Kenyan capital Nairobi. (CGTN)

Costco China over-crowded, closes early on 1st day


The world's second-largest retailer, Costco, got an exceptionally warm welcome from consumers when its first brick-and-mortar store on the Chinese mainland opened in Shanghai on Tuesday.

Despite the store's location in suburban Shanghai, with no close public transportation, consumers in Shanghai and from neighboring cities flooded in before its 9 am opening time. At 1 pm, the store put up a notice saying it had suspended sales due to the heavy crowds.

Costco did not disclose the number of consumers who visited its store on Tuesday. (China Daily)

Thousands drenched in red in Spain’s ‘Tomatina’ battle


More than 20,000 people pelted each other with ripe tomatoes Wednesday in the annual “Tomatina” street battle in a town in eastern Spain that has become a major tourist attraction.

The party saw 145 tons of tomatoes offloaded from six trucks into crowds packing Buñol’s streets for the midday hour-long battle.

The event costs 12 euros for a basic ticket, with 5,000 tickets reserved for town residents and 17,000 for people from outside. (AP)

Thanks for listening and be sure to catch us tomorrow.

And now for the Question of the Day:

In which year were women allowed to compete in athletics events at the Olympic Games for the first time?

(Answer: 1928.)

Today’s quote is from Greek philosopher Plutarch (46 - 120). 

"Know how to listen, and you will profit even from those who talk badly."

(Produced by Nancy Yan Xu, Ryan Yaoran Yu, Brian Lowe, and Elaine Yue Lin. Music by Eugene Loner.)