Chinese FM expresses solemn stance on US Senate's passing of HK-related legislation

BEIJING, Nov. 21 (Xinhua) -- Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi Thursday expressed China's solemn stance on the U.S. Senate's passing of the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act of 2019 when meeting with former U.S. Defense Secretary William Cohen in Beijing.


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"When the so-called Human Rights and Democracy Act attempts to interfere in other countries' internal affairs using a foreign country's domestic law and overlooks the damages caused by the illegal violence in Hong Kong, how can they talk about democracy and human rights?" Wang asked.

The act sent the wrong message of condoning violent criminals, its actual purpose is to creat chaos in Hong Kong and ruin the city, Wang said, adding the U.S. move is a stark interference in China's internal affairs and a serious infringement on the common and fundamental interests of Hong Kong compatriots.

China strongly opposes the passing of the act and will not allow any attempt to undermine Hong Kong's prosperity and stability, or to challenge the "one country, two systems" policy, he said.