A profusion of flowers expresses peoples' respect for Yuan Longping
People's Daily app
Many residents in Changsha, Central China’s Hunan Province, went to Mingyangshan funeral parlor to bid farewell to China’s “father of hybrid rice” Yuan Longping on Sunday. (Compiled by Wang Yushuo)
Joining them were people from all over China, who traveled all the way to the city to express gratitude to Yuan.
Many flower shops in Changsha were sold out.
People even made their own bouquets by picking wildflowers from the surrounding hills to show their appreciation.
Mr Cao, from Shenzhen was entrusted by his father living in Sichuan Province to present flowers for Yuan. He said, “My father's family used to be poor and lacked food, and one of my uncles died of hunger.” Therefore, his father felt grateful to Yuan, asking Mr Cao to visit to Changsha and see Yuan Longping off on behalf of the family.
A 76-year-old woman also made a special trip to the funeral parlor. “Our generation used to suffer a lot. We really owe a dear ‘thank you’ to Yuan, for improving our livelihood and happiness, ” she said.
The card reads, "Grandpa Yuan, I’m here to send out my forever longing for you. The owners of the flower shop also sent their gratitude."