Mainland slams DPP for backing 'Taiwan independence' fallacy
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A Chinese mainland spokesperson slammed the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) authority in Taiwan for colluding with external forces and challenging United Nations General Assembly Resolution 2758 in an attempt to back the "Taiwan independence" fallacy on Wednesday.

Zhu Fenglian, spokesperson for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, made the remarks at a press conference on Wednesday in response to a question on a recent article attacking UN Resolution 2758 and the one-China principle by American scholars Bonnie Glaser and Jessica Drun.

The report said it was sponsored by the DPP authorities, the spokesperson said. "The report is full of platitudes about 'Taiwan independence' by the DPP authorities. It's unreasonable that the Cairo Declaration and Potsdam Declaration were not mentioned when it talks about the one-China principle."

Zhu stressed that Resolution 2758 adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1971 recognizes that the government of the People's Republic of China is the only lawful representative of China to the UN.

Noting that the People's Republic of China is the sole legal government representing China, of which Taiwan is an inalienable part, the spokesperson further pointed out that any attempt by some US politicians to support so-called "Taiwan independence" is doomed to fail.

(Compiled by Wang Zi)