Chinese ambassador delivers Eid festival greetings to Pakistan
By Ding Xuezhen
People's Daily app


Chinese Ambassador Yao Jing delivers his remarks to extend greetings and well-wishes to the Pakistani people ahead of the upcoming Eid al-Adha, on August 11, 2019. (Photo: People's Daily)

Islamabad (People’s Daily) – In a video statement from the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Islamabad, Chinese Ambassador Yao Jing said China and Pakistan stand together for the principles of peace, justice and cooperation for a better world.

“The world today is full of challenges and difficulties. The spirit of sacrifice and devotion is extremely important,” Yao said.

Yao delivered his remarks Sunday afternoon. He extended greetings and well-wishes to the Pakistani people ahead of the upcoming Eid al-Adha (Festival of Sacrifice).

The message follows Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi’s visit to China on Friday where he met with his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi.

“China will continue to support Pakistan in safeguarding its legitimate rights and uphold fairness for Pakistan in international affairs,” said Wang in a press release after the meeting.