China's Vice-President Han Zheng attends King Charles III coronation

Chinese Vice-President Han Zheng, who is also Chinese President Xi Jinping's special representative, attends the coronation ceremony of King Charles III of the United Kingdom and related activities in London from May 5 to 6, 2023. /Xinhua

Chinese President Xi Jinping's Special Representative and Vice-President Han Zheng was invited to attend the coronation ceremony of King Charles III and related activities in London.

Han conveyed to King Charles III Xi's sincere congratulations and good wishes and thanked the British side for the thoughtful arrangements made for his visit to the United Kingdom.

The UK monarch asked Han to convey his heartfelt thanks and cordial greetings to President Xi and his wife Peng Liyuan for their congratulatory messages to him and the Queen.

The King welcomed Han as the President's special representative to the UK to attend the coronation ceremony and said that the UK-China relationship was very important and that he hoped both sides would work together on green, low-carbon and sustainable development.

Chinese Vice-President Han Zheng meets with British Deputy Prime Minister Oliver Dowden during a visit to the UK to attend the coronation ceremony of King Charles III and related activities in London from May 5 to 6, 2023. /Xinhua

During his stay in the UK, Han also met briefly with British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and Prince William, Prince of Wales, and held a meeting with Deputy Prime Minister Oliver Dowden.

Han said that the economies of countries are deeply connected in the era of globalization. China is continuing to promote high-quality development and will further promote a high level of openness to the outside world, and is willing to strengthen cooperation with the British side for mutual benefit and common development.

He also said that as China-UK trade and investment continued to grow and that the UK has become an important destination for Chinese enterprises to invest in Europe. He expressed his hope that the UK government will create a fair, just and non-discriminatory investment environment for Chinese enterprises.

Han pointed out that both China and the UK are supporters, promoters and beneficiaries of economic globalization, multilateralism and free trade.

He said China is willing to work with the British side on the premise of mutual respect and equal treatment, to conduct exchanges on a wide range of issues, to enhance understanding and narrow differences, and to jointly promote the healthy and stable development of bilateral relations for the benefit of both countries and the world.

On Thursday evening Han also attended a welcome dinner hosted by the Chinese and British business communities and delivered a speech. In his speech, Han noted that the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) drew a grand blueprint for building a strong socialist modern state and promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese modernization.

He said that China's development has a strong leadership core and a high degree of continuity and stability in its internal and external policies. No matter how the world changes, China will bring more opportunities and inject certainty and positive energy into the world with its own development.

The British business community plays an important and active role in promoting exchanges and cooperation with China, and Han spoke of looking forward to the continued contribution of wisdom and strength to the development of relations between the two countries.