Heavy rain, floods affect 1.1 mln in China's Jiangxi

NANCHANG, June 11 (Xinhua) -- More than 1.1 million residents in east China's Jiangxi Province were affected by torrential rain and rain-induced floods from May 28 to 4 p.m. Friday, local authorities said.

Photo: CFP

The province initiated its level IV flood-control emergency response starting at 6 p.m. Saturday, according to the provincial flood control and drought relief headquarters.

The extreme weather has caused direct economic losses of 2.65 billion yuan (about 400 million US dollars) after destroying farmland and houses. A total of around 83,000 people were evacuated during the period.

The meteorological department predicts that Jiangxi will see a rainstorm moving from north to south from June 12 to 14, with heavy downpours in some areas.