Chinese FM, PIF secretary general discuss cooperation on blue economy, climate change

SUVA, May 29 (Xinhua) -- Visiting Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) Secretary General Henry Puna here on Sunday, with both sides discussing bilateral cooperation on blue economy and climate change.

Photo: Foreign Ministry

The Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) is the most representative inter-governmental organization in the South Pacific region, and China has been attaching great importance to its role in regional affairs, Wang said.

China has set up the China-PIF Cooperation Fund, and is willing to continue to strengthen dialogue with the PIF Secretariat, enhance mutual trust, conduct cooperation and support the PIF, so as to jointly consolidate and develop the relationship between the developing countries and the Pacific island nations, he elaborated.

Wang said the Chinese side supports the island nations' 2050 Strategy of the Blue Pacific Continent, and is willing to discuss cooperation in areas, such as marine ecological protection and e-commerce, to creat new growth points.

China will firmly push forward the opening-up to a larger extent, into a deeper dimension and to a higher level, and welcome more quality products of the island countries entering the Chinese market.

Wang stressed that his ongoing visit to the South Pacific region aims at promoting mutually beneficial cooperation and friendly exchanges with the Pacific island countries, and China will further deepen the relations with the Pacific island countries on the basis of mutual trust, equal treatment, win-win cooperation, openness and inclusiveness.

China released a fact sheet on its cooperation with the Pacific island countries days ago, showing that China's cooperation with the Pacific island countries has covered all sectors and brought tangible benefits to the people of the Pacific island countries, he noted.

China stands ready to conduct more third party market cooperation with every country, especially those that have traditional influence in the region, to complement each other and form greater synergy so as to help the Pacific island countries enhance their capacity of self-development and push forward the realization of development and revitalization, Wang said.

Puna noted that China, an important dialogue and development partner of the Pacific island countries, has long made indispensable contribution to the development of the Pacific island countries, and the Pacific island countries are ready to strengthen connection with China's development strategy, expand cooperation with China in the fields including economy and trade, education and blue economy, fully take advantage of the opportunities brought by China's development, especially the digital economy, to achieve sustainable and diversified development.

The duo also exchanged views on climate change.

Wang said China vigorously pushed forward the Paris Agreement and joined it actively. The country has mapped out and implemented a series of green and low-emission policies and measures, and will firmly honor its promises on climate change.

In the meantime, Wang said China, along with other developing countries including the Pacific island nations, is keen to urge developed countries to sincerely shoulder the historical responsibilities, fulfill their commitment to the developing countries, achieve carbon neutrality ahead of schedule, and hence make due contributions to solving the climate change issue.

China, within the framework of the South-South cooperation, will continue responding to the needs of small island countries and offering them help within its capacity, he said.

Puna highly appreciated the great efforts of China in tackling climate change. He commended China for establishing a cooperation center for China and Pacific island countries on climate change. He also expressed wishes to jointly forge ahead the implementation of the Paris Agreement with China.