Xi Jinping on China-Africa cooperation
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Under the guiding principles of "sincerity, real results, amity and good faith", China has been taking concrete initiatives to promote its ties with Africa with strong momentum in recent years.

Chinese President Xi Jinping chairs the Extraordinary China-Africa Summit on Solidarity against COVID-19 and delivers a keynote speech at the summit in Beijing, capital of China, June 17, 2020. (Photo: Xinhua)

President Xi Jinping has on many occasions emphasized the longstanding China-Africa friendship and the broad prospects of cooperation between the two sides.

The following are some highlights of his remarks in this regard:

1. China and African countries are destined to be good friends, good brothers and good partners, and China-Africa cooperation stands as a fine example of South-South cooperation.

2. No matter how the international situation changes and to what stage China develops, China will, as always, stand with all developing countries, including African countries, and be a sincere friend and a reliable partner of Africa.

3. China-Africa relations have today reached a stage of growth unmatched in history. We should scale the heights, look afar and take bold steps. Let us join hands, pool the vision and strength of the 2.4 billion Chinese and Africans and open a new era of China-Africa win-win cooperation and common development.

4. The development of China-Africa ties can only be in present continuous tense, and never in present perfect tense.

5. As the saying goes, 'Numerous grains of earth make a mountain, numerous drops of water form an ocean.' As long as we keep advancing China-Africa cooperation, we will make even bigger achievements.

6. China will stay committed to the principles of sincerity, real results, affinity and good faith and the approach of pursuing the greater good and shared interests, honor its commitments to Africa to the letter, persistently support Africa's development, and make greater contributions to Africa's development and rejuvenation and African countries' joint efforts to become stronger.

7. Ultimately, it is for the peoples of China and Africa to judge the performance of China-Africa cooperation. No one could deny the remarkable achievements made in China-Africa cooperation, not with their assumption or imagination.

(Source: Xinhua)