China to continue providing all possible support to Pakistan, says FM


Chinese medical experts share their experience in COVID-19 prevention and control with their Pakistan counterparts at Pakistan Emirate Military Hospital in Rawalpindi of eastern Pakistan's Punjab province, April 1, 2020. (File photo: Xinhua)

BEIJING, April 16 (Xinhua) -- China will continue to provide all possible support to Pakistan in accordance with its needs to help it overcome the COVID-19 epidemic at an early date, Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said during a phone conversation with Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi on Wednesday.

Wang said that at the critical moment of China's fight against the COVID-19 outbreak, Pakistani President Arif Alvi visited China to express his country's firm support to the Chinese leaders in person, which is cherished by the Chinese side.

At present, the Chinese people are concerned about the development of the COVID-19 outbreak in Pakistan. All sectors of the Chinese society have acted spontaneously to make donations and offer as much help as they can to the brotherly and sisterly people in Pakistan, he said.

The Chinese government has provided multiple batches of material assistance, dispatched medical experts to Pakistan, and convened video conferences to share China's experience in the prevention, control and treatment of COVID-19, Wang said.

Qureshi expressed his appreciation for the valuable support China has offered to Pakistan, which he said has played an important role in the country's fight against the virus.

In face of the unprecedented global public health and economic crisis, China has taken targeted and strong measures and achieved positive results, which Pakistan admires, he said.

The Pakistani side is willing to continue to cooperate closely with China and constantly deepen their all-weather strategic partnership of cooperation during the fight against the pandemic, Qureshi said.