MOFA urges US not to suppress Chinese companies by politicizing trade and tech issues

Chinese Foreign Ministry on Monday urged the U.S. to stop suppressing Chinese companies by politicizing trade and tech issues.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian at a regular press conference in Beijing, China, November 28, 2022. (Photo: Chinese Foreign Ministry)

The remarks were made in response to the United States Federal Communications Commission's announcement of banning telecommunications and video surveillance equipment from five Chinese companies, citing national security.

Zhao Lijian, spokesperson for the ministry, said at a regular conference on Monday that the move was another disgusting case where the U.S. has stretched the concept of national security and abused state power to suppress Chinese companies.

It violates the law of the market economy and free trade rules, and harms the interests of Chinese companies, which the Chinese side firmly opposes, he said.
He urged the U.S. side to stop politicizing and weaponizing economic, trade and sci-tech issues, and provide a fair, just and non-discriminatory environment for Chinese companies doing business in the U.S..
Zhao reiterated that the Chinese government will continue to protect the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese companies.