Fresh Start: Podcast News (11/16/2019 Sat.)
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Here are today’s picks from our editors.

China specifies 24 goals of medical reform

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China has made clear 24 goals in medical reform, according to a circular issued by the State Council's health reform leading group.

It called for promoting the experience of medical reform in eastern China's Fujian Province and its city of Sanming, which coordinates medical service, medical insurance and pharmaceutical reforms.

The circular called on all provincial regions to make work plans for deepening medical reform and promoting the experience of Fujian and Sanming while taking into account local conditions. (Xinhua)

Alibaba launches Hong Kong IPO

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China's e-commerce giant Alibaba Group launched its Hong Kong public retail offering of 500 million new ordinary shares on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Friday, the company said.

The overall offering initially comprises 12.5 million new shares under the public retail offering and 487.5 million shares for subscription globally.

The company also expects to grant the international underwriters an over-allotment option to purchase up to 75 million additional new shares. (Xinhua)

Japan, S. Korea fail to make progress on wartime labor dispute, intelligence sharing pact

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Senior Japanese and South Korean foreign ministry officials in talks on Friday failed to make substantial progress over a wartime labor feud that has spilled over into a trade row and seen their bilateral ties sink to their lowest level in recent years.

Despite the issue of Japan's use of forced laborers during its 1910-1945 colonial rule of the Korean Peninsula dominating the talks, little progress was made, sources close to the matter said.

Japan has maintained that the matter of compensation for wartime labor was "finally and completely" resolved under the pact. (Xinhua)

Chile to vote on new constitution in response to protests


Chile announced Friday it will stage a referendum to replace the country's constitution -- a key demand of protesters after nearly a month of sometimes violent civil unrest.

The current charter, in force since 1980, has been changed numerous times in the years since, but it does not establish the state's responsibility to provide education and healthcare -- two demands made by millions of Chileans who have taken to the streets.

Lawmakers in Chile's National Congress agreed early Friday to hold the plebiscite in April 2020 after hours of intense negotiations between the governing coalition and opposition parties. (AFP)

Turkey to deport 42,888 illegal immigrants caught in Istanbul


Turkish authorities said on Friday that 42,888 illegal immigrants caught in Istanbul, the largest city in Turkey, will be deported.

The illegal immigrants were captured in operations since July and sent to repatriation centers for deportation, the Istanbul governor's office said in a statement.

There are a total of 1.06 million registered refugees in Istanbul, with 547,000 of them being Syrians, according to authorities. (Xinhua)

China's major children's literature award unveiled in Shanghai


The Chen Bochui International Children's Literature Award, a major literary award in China, was unveiled Thursday in Shanghai.

The award, named after renowned Chinese children's book writer and literary translator Chen Bochui, who was dubbed the "oriental Anderson," was first established in 1981.

Five books including "Uncle Mouse Gets Up Late," written by Ye Guangqin won the Best Literary Works of the Year.

Five other works were given the Best Picture Books of the Year award.

Four stories were winners of the Best Single Piece of the Year award. (Xinhua)

CFA aims to shake off plight after Lippi resignation


The Chinese Football Association (CFA) has accepted Marcello Lippi's shock decision to resign as China coach after his team lost to Syria 2-1 in a 2022 World Cup qualifier, its spokesman said on Friday.

According to the spokesman, Lippi did not announce his resignation to the CFA through official channels before the post-match press conference. The priority for the CFA is to summarize the problems and discuss its next steps, and to also appoint a new China coach, who should be responsible and familiar with the CFA League and team members, and set up suitable tactics for them. (Xinhua)

Thanks for listening and be sure to catch us tomorrow.

And now for the Question of the Day:

Who discovered the vaccination against smallpox in 1796?

(Answer: Edward Jenner.)

Today’s quote is from Roman poet Lucretius (94 BC - 55 BC).

"The fall of dropping water wears away the stone."

(Produced by Nancy Yan Xu, Ryan Yaoran Yu, Brian Lowe, Elaine Yue Lin and Da Hang. Music by Eugene Loner.)