Three domestic cases in Qingdao linked to hospital
People's Daily app

Three domestic asymptomatic coronavirus cases reported in Qingdao may have connections with a thoracic hospital that has been treating imported coronavirus patients, the city's health commission said Sunday.


File photo: CFP

Based on an epidemiological investigation, experts believed that all three cases are connected with the Qingdao Thoracic Hospital. The source of infection is still under investigation.

Of the three asymptomatic cases, two cases tested positive for the coronavirus when they went to the hospital as normal patients, and one person was found during a screening for close contacts of confirmed cases.

After the three cases were reported, Qingdao’s authorities for epidemic prevention and control initialized emergency plans and conducted epidemiological investigations.

Nucleic acid tests for close contacts, their close contacts, and general contacts is underway, and these contacts have put under quarantine. Authorities have closed off the neighborhood where the three asymptomatic patients live, the Qingdao Thoracic Hospital, and the Emergency Department of Qingdao Central Hospital. Quarantined areas will be completely disinfected.

(Compiled by Wei Yuanyuan)