G7 in no position to represent world: China
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China said on Wednesday that the Group of Seven (G7) has grossly interfered with China’s internal affairs, smeared the image of China and instigated the sentiment of confrontation in its summit communique.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson Zhao Lijian made the remarks in Beijing in response to a communique issued at the 48th G7 Summit on Tuesday highlighting Hong Kong, Xinjiang, human rights, the East China Sea, the South China Sea and the Taiwan Straits.

“The G7 stokes up the democracy vs. authoritarianism narrative in its summit communique, which grossly interferes with China’s internal affairs, smears China’s image and instigates the sentiment of confrontation,” Zhao said. “The G7 has no intention of engaging in dialogues and cooperation based on equality and respect, instead clinging to the Cold War mentality and ideological bias and pursuing small clique group politics.”

The G7 was keen on creating division and confrontation and shouldered “no responsibility and morality,” he said.

“With only one tenth of the world population, the G7 is in no position to represent the world, let alone impose their own values and standards on the whole world,” Zhao said.

(Compiled by Chen Rui; Video by Yang Yang)