Fresh Start: Podcast News (8/28/2019 Wed.)
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Welcome to Fresh Start.

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Here are today’s picks from our editors.

China voices firm opposition to G7 statement on Hong Kong


China on Tuesday voiced strong dissatisfaction with and resolute opposition to "random accusations" and "irresponsible remarks" on Hong Kong affairs in a statement from the Group of Seven (G7) summit.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang made the remarks at a daily press briefing.

The G7 reportedly reaffirmed the existence and the importance of the 1984 Sino-British Joint Declaration on the Question of Hong Kong and called for avoiding violence in a joint statement issued Monday at the end of its summit in Biarritz, France.

"As we have emphasized on many occasions, Hong Kong affairs are purely China's internal affairs, and no foreign governments, organizations or individuals have the right to intervene," said Geng, when responding to a query about China's comment on the G7 statement.

"No one cares more about Hong Kong's prosperity and stability than Chinese people, including residents of Hong Kong," Geng said. "(Those) are our own affairs, we will handle them well. G7 members should not poke their noses into others' business with ill-harbored intentions and conspiracies." (Xinhua)

China mulls 20 measures to boost consumption

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China will ease restrictions on car purchases to support auto sales as part of its policy package announced Tuesday to boost the country's consumption.

Regions with limits on vehicle purchases should roll out measures to relax or lift the restrictions after taking into account their respective condition and support the purchase of new energy vehicles, according to a guideline issued by the State Council.

The guideline outlined 20 measures to support consumption, including applying new technologies to promote the circulation of products, improving infrastructure of commercial streets and accelerating the development of chain convenience stores. (Xinhua)

UK opposition lawmakers join forces against no-deal Brexit

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Opposition lawmakers declared Tuesday they will work together to try to stop a departure from the European Union without an agreement, setting up a legislative challenge to Prime Minister Boris Johnson and his promise to complete the divorce by Oct. 31— come what may.

Some 160 lawmakers have signed a declaration pledging “to do whatever is necessary,” to prevent Johnson from bypassing Parliament in his plans. Johnson’s do-or-die promise has raised worries about a disorderly divorce that would see new tariffs on trade and border checks between Britain and the EU, seriously disrupting business. (AP)

Imran Khan slams India for violating UN resolution


Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan said Monday that India's decision to abrogate Article 370 violated UN resolutions and India's own constitution and Supreme Court decisions.

In his televised address to the nation, Khan said the whole nation and its government would go to the last extent to support the Kashmiris. He asked every Pakistani to come out for half an hour every Friday at noon to express solidarity with the people of Kashmir.

He said the time had come for Pakistan to be decisive on the Kashmir issue. (CGTN)

Japan to remove S. Korea from trade 'whitelist' as planned


Japan's Trade minister Hiroshige Seko said on Tuesday that Japan will remove South Korea from a "whitelist" of nations entitled to simplified export control procedures as planned, a move certain to deepen the rift between the feuding neighbors.

It means South Korea will no longer enjoy minimum trade restrictions on sensitive goods including electronic components, and Japanese companies must receive case-by-case approval from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan before such goods can be exported. (Xinhua)

Chinese to make 800 mln trips in National Day holiday: Ctrip


Chinese citizens will make about 800 million trips to destinations at home and abroad during the upcoming National Day holiday, according to a report from China's largest online travel agency Ctrip.

Ctrip users have booked trips to 90 countries and regions through the online platform for the week-long holiday in early October, said the report. (Xinhua)

Jeremy Lin signs for the CBA's Beijing Ducks


31-year-old Chinese-American basketball player Jeremy Lin has signed with the Chinese Basketball Association's (CBA) Beijing Shougang Ducks as a foreign player, according to the team's official Sina account on Tuesday.

After claiming the NBA Championship with the Toronto Raptors this summer, Lin became a free agent but failed to sign with any NBA team. (CGTN)

Thanks for listening and be sure to catch us tomorrow.

And now for the Question of the Day:

Who is the artist for the famous painting Starry Night?

(Answer: Vincent van Gogh.) 

Today’s quote is from American musician Taylor Swift.

"I think the perfection of love is that it's not perfect."

(Produced by Nancy Yan Xu, Ryan Yaoran Yu, Brian Lowe, and Elaine Yue Lin. Music by Eugene Loner.)