Taiwan's manufacturing sector performs steady in February: report

TAIPEI, April 1 (Xinhua) -- The climate monitor for Taiwan's manufacturing sector in February flashed "green" for the fifth consecutive month, indicating that operations held steady, according to a think tank report released on Thursday.

File photo: CGTN

The composite index for the manufacturing industry rose 0.92 points to 15.16 in February, the highest figure in three months, according to the report released by the Taipei-based Taiwan Institute of Economic Research.

Exports, export orders, and production all showed double-digit year-on-year growth in February, thanks to a continued recovery in the global economy, and manufacturers were optimistic about the next six months, the report said.

The think tank uses a five-color system to measure the industry's health, with red indicating a boom, yellow-red suggesting an uptrend, green indicating a stable state, yellow-blue signaling a slowdown, and blue representing a contraction.