No explosive component detected at China plane crash site: official
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No second black box and no survivors have been found as of 5 pm Saturday from China Eastern Airlines Flight MU5735, aviation officials said at a press conference in the city of Wuzhou, South China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region on Saturday.

File photo: CFP

Rescuers have found the emergency locator transmitter (ELT) installed near the second black box of the crashed Chinese passenger plane, said Zhu.

Examinations of 41 out of 66 submitted materials showed no evidence of common inorganic or organic

explosives, said Zheng Xi, head of the fire and rescue department of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.

The Boeing 737 was flying from the southwestern city of Kunming to South China's Guangzhou on Monday March 21 when it lost contact over Wuzhou, before plunging into a wooded mountainside.